“ I have suffered from anxiety all my life and it has affected me enormously. It has stopped me doing things and enjoying things I have really looked forward to because I can get so wrapped up in my thoughts, when my overthinking takes hold.
I have been very lucky to have been taught some tips to help me when I am feeling like this. Exercise has made a huge difference to my mental health and can also stop a full on spiral, as I am able to nip the feelings in the bud by going for a run. It also helps me sleep, something I have always struggled with too. I have also practised breathing exercises, which help calm me down. To begin with, I was often too overwhelmed to remember the breathing exercises but slowly, I am getting used to being in a space where I feel scared and now instead of wanting to run away, I am learning what it feels like to be in the space and that the feelings of panic often subside.
It has been amazing being an Expert by Experience leader (EbEl) as I am surrounded by a wonderfully, supportive team, who have managed to hold me and make me feel safe in environments I am usually uncomfortable in. The more I face my fear and see other colleagues doing the same, the stronger I am getting and actually feel very proud of myself at the small steps (but huge for me) that I am taking and the opportunities that are opening for me now.
I am now living the rich life I have always wanted. I know I need to look after myself now and make sure I get plenty of rest and time to recharge and fit in my regular exercise routine. I have never been able to put myself first and ran myself ragged looking after everyone else but now know the importance of self-care and also self-love. If I am not well, I can’t be there for my family and just cause them more worry, it is a massive lesson that I have finally learnt. “
Getting active can be a great way to look after our mental health. The NHS Every Mind Matters national self-help service provides expert advice and practical tips.
Many of the Open Mental Health partners organise local walks and outdoor activities across Somerset. Visit our partner page to visit their websites directly.
Breathing exercises can really help when feeling anxious. You can find some useful techniques to practice on the NHS website.