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Free Activities and Groups in Somerset
Please browse the list of local projects, events and opportunities to take part in which are focused on improved mental and physical health and wellbeing.
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Please do check that the group or activity is running before setting out!

Somerset Community Connect – Talking Cafes
Find local services, support, advice, and activities. Friendly and informal drop-ins for over 18s.
Somerset Wildlife Trust
Somerset Nature Connections project aims to tackle some of the barriers that prevent people from experiencing the health and well-being benefits of Somerset’s spectacular natural environment.
For more information please visit: Connecting people with Somerset’s wildlife and wild places>>
Carers Support Groups
Somerset Partnership NHS Trust support groups for carers of adults with mental health problems.
Locations, dates and times can be found here>>
Somerset Libraries
Libraries are not just a place to borrow books! Other resources include internet access, printing facilities, books hand-picked for you by library experts, DVDs borrowing, talking books, researching family history via Ancestry and regular events.
Mind in Somerset Recovery and Wellbeing Groups
These sessions are available to anyone over 18 and living in Somerset and provide a relaxed, safe and supportive environment to explore ways to stay well.
More details can be found here >>
Gardening Groups
Free weekly gardening sessions in Glastonbury and Shepton Mallet.
More details can be found here >>
Somerset Health Walks
Walking for well-being can help you to feel good, to have more energy, to sleep better and manage your weight. All walks are free of charge and are led by a team of Volunteer Walk Leaders.
For more information please visit the Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership website >>