I’m struggling with sleep
Not getting enough sleep – or needing to sleep too much – can be harmful to our health. It can make ongoing health conditions worse, make us run down and more vulnerable to colds and infections, and reducing the energy and motivation we have for our work and personal life.
Most people experience problems with sleep in their life. In fact, it’s thought that a third of us will have episodes of insomnia, regular problems with sleeping, at some point, but in some cases, it can be caused by psychological conditions such as depression or anxiety.
If you are struggling with sleep, please get in touch with Mindline Somerset for advice and support. Please get in touch with our team locally on 01823 276892 or freephone 0800 138 1692 .
If you are in crisis and need immediate support please contact 999.
How to get help
There are lots of useful resources that you can access online.
You may find it helpful to work through the Self Help Guide on Sleeping Problems available through NHS Somerset Link: www.selfhelpguides.ntw.nhs.uk/somerset
You can access support from NHS Talking Therapies – Somerset IAPT Service. Talking Therapies offers many different types of help, including an online self-help platform, online webinars, face to face psychoeducation courses and individual, short-term therapy. These include interventions dedicated to improving sleep and getting enough rest. You can self-refer on their website here: https://www.somersetft.nhs.uk/somerset-talking-therapies/online-referral-form/
The NHS also offers lots of helpful information and advice for individuals struggling with sleeping here: www.nhs.uk/conditions/insomnia.