I’m Seeing Things
Seeing things that other people don’t see is sometimes called a ‘visual hallucination’.
You might see things such as people’s faces, animals or religious figures, objects might be distorted or move in ways that they wouldn’t usually move, or you might see figures or shapes.
People can experience visual hallucinations for a range of different reasons such as: sleep deprivation, physical health conditions such as infections, following a bereavement, stress, use of illicit substances such as those which induce hallucinations.
They can also occur as part of mental health difficulties such as psychosis or other health difficulties such as neurological conditions.
If you see visions or have other sensory experiences – you are not alone.
If you are seeing things that other people aren’t seeing please get in touch with Mindline Somerset locally on 01823 276892 or freephone 0800 138 1692.
If you are in crisis and need immediate support please contact 999.
How to recognise if you are seeing things other people don’t see:
When you realise you are seeing things that other people don’t see it can be scary or stressful, but it might be a sign that something else is going on. If you recognise that you are seeing things that other people don’t see it’s best to seek help as soon as you can. It can be difficult to talk about it, but it is important to be as honest as you can be.
If you can recognise that doing something makes it worse than it can be helpful to avoid doing those things. Keeping a diary can also be helpful to keep track and help you to learn to recognise your triggers and managing your stress and using relaxation techniques can be a way to help you cope with your experiences.
How to get help
If you think you are seeing things that other people can’t see please contact Mindline Somerset locally on 01823 276892 or freephone 0800 138 1692. We can offer you support and put you in touch with specific services that can help.
There are also a number of accessible resources online that can help:
The Hearing Voices Network: is a small national charity that aim to raise awareness of the diversity of voices, visions and similar experiences.