Somerset Recovery College
Our students are people from Somerset interested to learn life skills in order to experience good mental health, people with lived experience of mental health difficulties, their family and friends, and the professionals who support them.
Somerset Recovery College offers opportunities to learn about mental health and recovery by providing a unique curriculum designed to increase your knowledge, understanding and skills to equip you with the tools to live a meaningful, productive and fulfilling life.

About the Somerset Recovery College
Somerset Recovery College offers opportunities to learn about mental health and recovery by providing a unique curriculum designed to increase your knowledge, understanding and skills. Our courses are for the benefit of people who wish to learn to live well, for their family and friends and for the professionals who support them.
Our approach is educational and informed by the values and principles of recovery that aim to instil hope, opportunity and control;
Hope – The continuing presence of hope, and the possibility to pursue personal goals and ambitions.
Take Control – These courses teach skills for control and self-management to promote personal choice and responsibility in recovery, health and wellbeing.
Opportunity – Having the opportunity to build a life beyond mental illness.
Our courses are open access for Somerset residents over the age of 18 and are free of charge. We do not take referrals from clinicians and our students do not have to be using mental health services to access any of our courses.
Hope is the catalyst of the recovery process – Repper, Perkins, Rinaldi and Brown
How to join the Somerset Recovery College
How do I enrol on a course?
For most of our courses you can book online through the website, email us on or phone us on 07342 063735. Some of the courses are managed by our partners and you will find their contact information in the course details.
How can I find out more?
We are always happy to speak with you about anything regarding the courses we offer.
For help and advice please call us on: 07342 063735, email us at:
To speak with a member of our staff please ring between 10:00am and 2:00pm, Monday – Thursday, except Bank Holidays.