Governance & Leadership
The Open Mental Health Partnership Board
The Somerset Open Mental Health Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) Sector Alliance was formed in 2019 to provide community-based support for mental health services across Somerset.
The Partnership Board plays a central role in shaping the alliance’s strategy, developing business plans, and overseeing the contracts it delivers. Its work is co-produced with people who use Open Mental Health services and other key stakeholders, ensuring a collaborative and person-centred approach.
The Board is made up of representatives from each of the alliance’s core partner organisations, experts by experience, and an Independent Chairperson and Lived Experience Independent Co-Chair.
Read the minutes from the most recent Partnership Board meeting:
January 20th 2025
2025-01-20-OMH-Partnership-Board-Meeting-Summary Minutes (PDF opens in a new window)