We’ve Got This has been created to support young people to feel more positive about themselves by providing them with fun, safe and purposeful environments to feel more empowered about their mental health and their lives. The project is delivered by Open Mental Health partner Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP) along with FUSE Performance, Young Somerset, 2BU, Minehead Eye and Conquest Centre.
The case study below outlines how this peer-to-peer project has empowered a young man who had been struggling with low mood.
We’ve Got This | Case Study II
“I found out about ‘We’ve Got This’ through my wellbeing officer at college and at the time I was struggling with my mental health and felt like I needed some sort of support and someone I knew I could talk to freely”
What did the client want to achieve?
“I was struggling with periods of feeling very low. I have low self-belief and not much confidence.”
The client said they felt lost – they needed some focus and something to help with their low mood and confidence.
Work that took place
Weekly 121 meets, out and about, where relationships and trust were built. The client found the meeting a really beneficial space to talk about how he was feeling.
The support we were able to give the client in accessing community groups was crucial to them accessing the groups, where they were with their confidence, they would not have accessed it on their own. We were then able to step away as the client’s confidence grew, and he was then accessing the sessions by himself.
“The challenges I faced at the start of the project were overcome by opportunities ‘We’ve Got This’ gave me which has helped me out a lot”
What worked well?
The flexibility of the meets worked for the client.
“I was pared with a mentor and working with him was great. I especially liked how my mentor worked with me”
“The thing I enjoyed was the opportunity my mentor gave me which has given me a new passion and something to focus on”
Being able to talk to someone who has been there and was relatable.
Outcomes for the client
- Attends a community club
- Self confidence in their abilities
- Learnt to drive
- Confidence in groups of people
- Been invited to perform at several events
“I feel like my journey through the project has helped a lot in many aspects from my confidence to my overall mood”
Evidence of joined up working
Key learning & points of note
- Peer mentor role was key to the success of this.
- Joined up working – relationships with other organisations.
- The ‘no pressure’ of only having a set number of sessions available to the young adult.
Direct quotes from the client
“Thank you, X, for helping me improve myself and to keep working on myself this whole project has been really beneficial for me you’ve helped me find something I can really focus on now so thank you again”